Apprenti.e assistant.e gérant.e fonds non côtés de dette F/H

1 poste

Caisse des Dépôts et consignations

Paris-7e-Arrondissement ()

Offre publiée le 11/06/2024


A public financial institution, the Caisse des Dépôts fulfills missions of general interest in support of public policies. A mission entrusted by law.
For more than 200 years, La Caisse des Dépôts has played a major role in the transformation of our country. It is present throughout France, as well as at every stage of the lives of French people.
The reduction of territorial and social inequalities, the fight against climate change... these are all challenges that our country faces and for which the Caisse des Dépôts is mobilizing today, more than ever.

Environment :

The Asset Management Department represents one of the 5 major businesses of Caisse des Dépôts. It brings together 2 subsidiaries dedicated to management as well as the Investment Management Department which is responsible for implementing the investment policies defined by the financial departments of the General Section and the Savings Fund.

Within the Investment Management Department, the unlisted funds team, which is responsible for the management of private equity funds and debt funds, is currently looking for an apprentice.

This apprenticeship will take place within the private debt division which includes 3 managers and invests in corporate debt, real estate and infrastructure funds.


Missions and activities:

The apprentice will support the management team on operational and transversal missions. She or he will have to carry out the following activities:

  • Monitor the funds in the portfolio: analysis of the financial and extra-financial performance of the funds, monitoring of operations carried out by the funds in the portfolio, meeting with the managers, support in the preparation of management reports, collection and analysis of ESG data;
  • Participate in the analysis of new investment opportunities: support for carrying out economic and financial studies on the sector concerned (businesses, infrastructure, real estate), analysis of the proposed strategy, analysis of private debt management teams, past performance;
  • Proactively monitor current events, collect and analyze relevant information regarding the private debt market and its environment.

Through their missions, the apprentice will be able to acquire a good knowledge of the main players in private debt funds in Europe and better understand the fundamentals and trends of this fast-growing market.

Profile and skills required:

  • Bac + 5 level training specialized in Corporate Finance followed in a business school, engineering school or university / interest in investment professions
  • Mastery of computer tools (especially Excel)
  • Writing skills, good analytical and synthesis skills
  • Very good command of English
  • Proactivity, rigor, sense of organization

Prior experience in auditing, consulting or credit analysis or management in a bank or investment bank would be appreciated.


Profil recherché

BAFA exigé


Permis B


Le job / L'emploi

Type de mission
Finance, comptabilité
Niveau d'études requis
après le bac, avec une formation de 4 ans ou plus
Date de début de la mission
Nombre d'heures par semaine
Rémunération horaire brute en €
Nombre de postes à pourvoir


Raison sociale
Caisse des Dépôts et consignations
Administration, établissement public, collectivité locale
Secteur d'activité
Banque - Finance - Assurance
Plus de 1 000 personnes
Site web
Entreprise handi-accueillante
Etablissement financier public, la Caisse des Dépôts est engagée depuis plus de 200 ans pour l’intérêt général et le développement durable des territoires.


56 rue de Lille

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