Conseils Royaume-Uni : préparez votre entretien d'embauche
En bref
- « Parlez-moi de vous », « Pourquoi avez-vous choisi cette profession ? », « Quels bénéfices avez-vous tiré des difficultés rencontrées ? »…
Chercher un job au Royaume-Uni c'est aussi se préparer aux questions que votre recruteur pourra vous poser… Et préparer également celles que vous allez lui poser, en version originale…
Typical Questions Asked by Interviewers - Quelques-unes des questions auxquelles vous n’échapperez pas.
Think about these beforehand and clarify your ideas as to how you would set about answering to them.
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Tell me about your course.
3. What subjects have you enjoyed/disliked most , are best at/worst at… why?
4. What project work have you done?
5. Why did you choose to read for a degree in?
6. Why did you choose the university?
7. What do you think you learned from your vacation jobs? What attracts you to your hobbies?
9. Why have you chosen this job/career? What alternatives did you have and how did you compare them?
10. Why do you want to join this organisation?
11. What was the greatest obstacle you have had to overcome /challenge you were faced with?
12. How have you benefited from your disappointments in life?
13. How would you solve the problem of?
Some questions you may wish to ask the interviewer - Quelques questions à poser à la fin de l’entretien.
The interviewer may give you the first sign that the interview is coming to a close when he or she asks. If you have any further questions. At this time you should ask questions that will reflect both the insight you have gained from the interview and your professional values. Questions might revolve round
1. Work and Training. Do you have a formal training programme , how long is it , can you describe the type provided , to whom would I report, under whose supervision would I be assigned , what assistance is made towards obtaining a professional qualification?
2. Location: Where would I be and for how long , how much travel/mobililty required?
3. Salary and Prospects: Approximate starting salary and likely progression over next few years , what has happened to recent graduates who joined them?
4. General Way of Life: Where do recent graduate entrants live, cost of living, amenities?